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UAP Brunei's Joint Agricultural Activity: Come with Me, Plant a New Tree

The United Architects of the Philippines Brunei Chapter led by CP Romeo J. Nabong II has taken part of an Agricultural Activity last 27th September 2020 led by Committee on Professional Development at Pengiran Sanusi’s Farm, Jalan Jerudong, Mukim Sengkurong, Negara Brunei Darussalam.

The event was formally opened by Chapter President, Arch. Romeo J. Nabong II, UAP, FRIA, EAROPH with the help of the lead committee, Committee on Professional Development. Followed by Arch. Eric S.J. de Castro – Chapter Treasurer blessed the event with a short invocation.

Arch. Marious “Jojo” c. Anyayahan delivered the opening remarks and the introduction of Pengiran Sanusi’s Son, Shamim who appreciated the effort of the Chapter for the aforementioned activity.

Two notable participants from PUJA (Pertubuhan Ukur Jurutera & Arkitek, Brunei)

The membership attentively listening to the importance of organic farming, one of the vital benefits is the preservation of the soil’s organic composition thus maintaining & improving the fertility soil structure and biodiversity. It also reduces the risk of toxic exposure to the environment and of the human who will consume organic produce.

Pg. Sanusi’s goal is to be able to meet the demand of fruits & vegetable demands of the Sultanate, through this Agricultural Activity he hopes that this will contribute to a more well-informed society with regards to the agricultural & agrifood sector of the country.

The Chapter planted a musk lime (Calamansi) native to the Philippines, Borneo & Sulawesi region in South East Asia. It is used in various condiments, beverages, dishes, marinades & preserves in the Filipino, Malay & Indonesian cuisines.

Pengiran Sanusi’s Son, Shamim led the manual removal of weed surrounding the fruit-bearing trees. The uprooted weed will then be gathered and place near the base of the tree to act as moisture control & as organic fertilizer.

The farm uses coffee grounds as fertilizer, the primary benefit of this method apart from being organic, it improves the drainage, water retention and aerations of the soil. The used coffee grounds will also help microorganisms beneficial to the plant growth thrive as well as it attracts earthworms.

A 20-year-old Durian Tree providing shade on a bright sunny day.

Transplanting of banana plant pups, away from the mother plant.

Closing Ceremony led by Vice President on Operations – Architect Orville J. Dulce, UAP, EAROPH.

Pengiran Sanusi’s Son, Shamim once again thanked the chapter for participating in the said event and hoping to call on the chapter for the upcoming harvest season of their durian trees (ranging from 20y.o. to 50y.o. trees).

The Agricultural Activity has started at around 7:15 AM and ended at 10:30 AM.


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